The Herbal Chef: Dealing With The Unexpected
June 9, 2020 / 30 min

The Herbal Chef

On the brink of experiencing the biggest year to date for The Herbal Chef, chef and founder Chris Sayegh found himself at a hard stop as the COVID-19 pandemic spread quickly across the country, halting all immediate plans. However, he turned this challenge into the perfect opportunity to refresh and connect with the culinary community. In this podcast, we talk with him while he packs his bags and prepares to journey on a massive road trip around the U.S. His goal? Cooking with the elements, focusing on content creation, and bringing more consciousness into his story.

Chef Chris Sayegh leads the globally-operated The Herbal Chef and is known for uniquely utilizing cannabis in modern cuisine. He has recently moved the Herbal Chef to an online platform and is involved in numerous projects, from consulting with companies on cannabis-related products, to creating single-serve meal bags for people to enjoy in their own homes.